
The Strange and Fowl History of Howard the Duck

Comics exist at an often complicated intersection of commerce and art, especially silly when the artists don't own their own work. How does a comic become a meme worthy icon? What happens to mythology when an artist becomes intrinsically linked to a creation they didn't care about at first? Is Howard based on Donald? Did duck tits create a generation of furries? All of that is in here.

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Show artwork for The Comics Course
The Comics Course
Miskatonic Literature 209: Graphic Literature in Society and History

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Profile picture for Rogan Hamby

Rogan Hamby

In one universe Rogan went to a small library arts college and became a librarian, software dev, father and not a shut in (mostly). But in the universe of the Comics Course Rogan went to Miskatonic University and became a literature professor and now teaches in the remote education department a course about the role of graphic literature in the context of society and history. Welcome!